Wednesday 28 August 2013



4 cups refined flour (maida)
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 pinch baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 tsp powdered sugar
2 tbsp oil
oil for frying

  1. Take flour and add baking powder, soda bi-carbonate and salt. Mix well and pass it through a sieve. 
  2. Mix yogurt and powdered sugar. Add this to the flour and add water as per need and mix gradually to make a soft dough by light kneading. 
  3. Incorporate two tbsp oil into the dough and cover the dough with a wet cloth. Keep it aside for an hour. 
  4. Roll the dough into balls of same size and keep them a side for 5-10 minutes for fermentation. 
  5. Now grease the balls with a little oil and roll them to make either round or oval shape (not very thin) bhaturas. 
  6. Heat oil in a kadai and deep fry the bhaturas on high flame till light brown on both the sides.

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