Friday 23 August 2013

1.5 cups sweet corn
2 cups boiled rice
1 onion finely chopped
1/2 capsicum finely chopped
2 green chilies deseeded and finely chopped
50 gms grated cheese
1 tsp garam masala or sabzi masala
oil for frying
4 tbsp oil
4 tbsp maida
3/4 cup milk
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp white/black pepper powder
1/4 cup maida mixed with 1/2 cup water for coating
1 cup bread crumbs

  1. Heat 4 tbsp oil in a pan.
  2. Add onion,capsicum and cook till the onions turn pink in color.
  3. Add 4 tbsp maida and stir well for a minute.
  4. Add milk stirring continuously and cook till it becomes very thick.
  5. Add white pepper powder.
  6. Add corn and green chilies and cook for a minute, then remove from fire.
  7. Add rest of  the ingredients accept bread crumbs and maida mixed with water and mash well.
  8. Keep the mixture in fridge for some time and let it cool .
  9. Take small portions and give a desired shape with oiled hands.
  10. Dip the rolls in the maida and water batter and roll them in the bread crumbs and fry in hot oil till golden brown in color. 
  11. Serve hot with ketchup or dhania chutney.

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