Saturday 1 February 2014


100 gms green chilies
2 tbsp mustard seeds(rai)
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
2 lemons


  1. Clean green chili with a kitchen towel and remove the stem.
  2. Now cut green chilies into 4 pieces lengthwise or in any shape of your choice.
  3. Coarsely grind mustard seeds in a mixer and mix salt and turmeric powder in it.
  4. Now put all the ingredients except lemon juice in a jar and mix well by shaking it.
  5. Now add lemon juice and shake well once again.
  6. Keep it in sun for a day or two and when it becomes a bit soft  and become tangy, it is ready to be served.
  1. It is recommended  not to wash the chilies until they are dirty,just clean them with the help of a dry kitchen towel.
  2. It will last for more time if you keep it in fridge in a covered container.

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