Thursday 27 February 2014


3 cups singhare ka atta/water chestnut flour/kuttu ka aata
2 medium sized potatoes boiled ,peeled and mashed
1 tsp cumin powder/garam masala
1/2 tsp degi mirch (red chili powder)
rock salt or sendha namak as per taste

  1. Mix all the ingredients and very little water if required and knead the dough.
  2. If the dough is sticky add some more flour.Now put a little oil on your hand and pat your hand on the dough and kneed it again and keep it on rest for five minutes.
  3. Take a small polythene sheet or a clean polythene bag and place it on the rolling board(chakla).
  4. Dust it with some chestnut flour or grease it with a little oil or sprinkle a few drops of water on the polythene sheet. 
  5. Take small or medium sized balls from the dough and spread the balls with wet hand on the polythene sheet.
  6. Now pick up the polythene sheet and carefully remove the roti from it.
  7. Place it on hot non stick tava(griddle) and cook the roti from both the sides while pressing with the help of a spatula.
  8. You can apply oil on both the sides and cook it like parantha or deep fry it in hot oil like poori. 
  9. Serve the roti hot with vrat ke aloo, ghiya (bottle gourd) sabzi curd,tamarind chuttney and gajar ka halwa etc.

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