Monday 24 March 2014

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time : 10 minutes
Serves: 10
2 cup wheat flour
1 cup gur (jaggery)
1 tbsp oil+oil for frying
1 tsp fennel seeds (saunf) (optional)
1/4 tsp cardamom powder(optional)


  1. Sieve wheat flour and add 1 tbsp oil,fennel seeds and cardamom powder to it and keep aside.
  2. Heat 1/4 cup water in a pan and add grated Jaggery and cook till it melts completely.
  3. If there are some impurities or lumps in the jaggery syrup then strain it with the help of a strainer and then keep it aside till it cools.
  4. Now mix wheat flour and jaggery syrup and knead a dough using some water if required.
  5. If you are making puris then knead a tight dough and if you are making gur ki roti then make a soft dough.
  6. Now make lemon sized round balls and roll the balls with the help of a rolling pin to make circular disks and deep fry them in hot oil or make roti on a tava applying oil on both the sides.     
If you are making puris then use cardamom powder instead of fennel seeds or coarsely grind it before use.

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