Friday 9 October 2015

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time : 10 minutes
Serves: 6

1/2 cup sabudana (sago)
2-3 boiled potatoes
1/2" ginger grated or finely chopped
1 green chili finely chopped
2 tbsp coriander chopped (dhania)
1/4 tbsp red chilli powder
1/2 tbsp garam masala
salt to taste
oil for shallow frying

Method :
  1. Boil ,peel and mash potatoes
  2. Soak sabudana in water at least for 2 hrs.
  3. Mix it with mashed potatoes.
  4. Mix  potatoes, sabudana and all other ingredients except oil.
  5. Take a small polythene sheet or a clean polythene bag and place it on the rolling board(chakla).
  6. Grease it with a little oil or sprinkle a few drops of water on the polythene sheet. 
  7. Take small or medium sized balls from the dough and spread the balls with wet hand on the polythene sheet.
  8. Now pick up the polythene sheet and carefully remove the cheela from it.
  9. Place it on greased hot non stick tava(griddle) and cook the cheela from both the sides while pressing with the help of a spatula.
  10. Serve with,vart ke aaloo or a dip or chuttney of your choice.

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