Wednesday 9 July 2014

Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time : nill
Serves: 40

500 grms. lemons
100 grms. salt
1 tsp degi mirch
500 grms sugar
1 tbsp garam masala


  1. Cut lemon into cubes (8 cubes per lemon).
  2. Keep a strainer on a bowl and squeeze lemon cubes over the strainer so that most of the seeds are removed.
  3. Now put the lemon juice collected in the bowl in a jar and the lemons as well.
  4. Mix the salt and keep the jar aside at least for 15-20 days or till their skin of lemons becomes soft. Shake the jar after regular intervals(after two or three days) so that all the pieces of lemon become soft evenly.
  5. The time taken will depend upon the quality of lemons.
  6. When the skin of almost all lemons become soft then add rest of the ingredients and keep the pickle in sunlight for a week.
  7. Do check and shake the jar after regular intervals.
  8. When the sugar is dissolved the pickle is ready you can store this in a cool and dry place for years. 

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