Sunday 5 October 2014


Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time : 0
Serves: 3

3 slices brown bread
3 slices white bread
2 tbsp mayonnaise or cream cheese or any other spread 

  1. Trim the edges of 3 brown bread slices and 3 white bread slices.
  2. Take one brown bread slice and spread some mayonnaise (or cream cheese or any other spread so that bread slices stick to each other) on it.
  3. Then a white bread slice and spread some mayonnaise over it, repeat the process with rest of the slices.

4.   Now cut this sandwich into four equal slices and again spread mayonnaise over each slice.

        5.  Now place the slices over each other in such a way that one brown strip is placed over one white and then a layer in which one white strip is placed over one brown strip.

       6.     Now again cut the bread into four slices and your checkers sandwich is ready.

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