Wednesday 20 May 2015


Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 5 minutes
Serves: 8-10

Cake sponge , home made or get it from the market
250 gms Non - dairy whipping cream
1/2 can pineapple slices
1 cup pineapple juice
1 pack pineapple jelly


  1. Whip the whipping cream with the help of an electric beater till you get stiff peaks. Keep it in the refrigerator.
  2. Make half of the jelly as per the instructions on the pack and keep it aside to cool but not let it set.
  3. When the jelly becomes cool enough , gentley mix the jelly with half of the whipped cream and keep aside.  
  4. Take a serving bowl and place the cake sponge as the base layer.
  5. Drizzle some pineapple juice over the sponge and spread chopped pineapple slices all over on the cake.
  6. Then spread a thick layer of whipped cream and jelly mix.
  7. Make rest of the jelly and let it get a little cool and spread it over the creamy layer.
  8. Garnish with pine apple slices and remaining whipped cream. 
  9. Keep it in fridge till the time of serving.

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