Tuesday 5 January 2016



For Noodles:

1 pack 100 gms noodles
1 tsp all purpose flour(maida)
oil for frying
1 tsp salt
10 cups water

For the sauce:
1 carrot shredded
1/2 cup capsicum thinly sliced
1 onion thinly sliced
1 cup cabbage shredded
 2 cups water
1 tbsp oil
1/4 tsp white pepper
4 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp soya sauce
3 tbsp corn flour
salt  to taste

  1. Take 8 cups of water,one tsp salt and 1 tsp of oil in a big vessel and bring it to a boil.
  2. Now add the noodles and cook for exactly as per instructions on the pack or till the noodles are perfectly cooked neither under cooked nor over cooked and drain out hot water .
  3. Immediately put the noodles in cold water then drain out the cold water as well and keep the noodles in a strainer so that excess water drains out completely.
  4. Sprinkle flour on the noodles, it will absorb any water present in the noodles.
  5. Divide the noodles in three equal portions and fry one portion at a time and make three nest like bunches.Fry from both the sides by turning side while frying. When it becomes crisp from both the sides drain it out and keep it a side.
  6. Heat oil in a pan add all the vegetables,salt and pepper in it and stir for two minutes.
  7. Add vinegar,soya sauce,tomato sauce and cook for one minute and add 2 cups of water.
  8. When the water starts boiling add the cornflour dissolved in 1/2 cup water stirring continuously. Cook for 2 minutes and keep a side.
  9. At the time of serving break one bunch of noodles into small pieces in a serving dish and the prepared sauce with vegetables in another serving dish, sprinkle some Chinese seasoning over the sauce and serve hot.   

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