Friday 29 January 2016


Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10-15 minutes
Serves: 4


4 bread slices
1 tbsp finely chopped garlic (preferably green garlic)
2 tbsp salted butter at room temperature
1 tsp olive oil
pepper to taste


  1. Mix butter and chopped garlic in a bowl.
  2. Spread it on bread slices and cook it either on a  griddle pan, in a grill toaster or in OTG till it becomes crisp an brown from both the sides.
  3. Sprinkle some black pepper and serve.
  1. If you are cooking it in an OTG then spread the mixture on one side only otherwise on both sides.
  2. If green garlic is not available then add any chopped or dried herb of your choice like parsely,oregano, mint or coriander as per taste along with garlic.

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