Saturday 23 January 2016


Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes

2 tsp pure ghee (clarified butter)
750 ml full fat milk
2-3 tsp khas khas (poppy seeds)
30-35 almonds, blanched, peeled and coarsely ground paste
a pinch of saffron
sugar as per taste
1/4 tsp crushed black pepper or as per taste (optional)
1/2 tsp, cardamom powder
slivered almonds ,pistachios saffron strands for garnish

  1. Soak saffron in 2 tbsp hot water and keep it aside for 30 minutes.
  2. Soak poppy seeds in warm water at least for an hour and after one hour drain out the water and grind it in a mixer grinder jar along with 3-4 tbsp water. 
  3. Strain the mixture and collect the poppy seed's milk in a bowl.Discard the husk.
  4. Heat ghee in a heavy bottom pan and add poppy seed milk and almond paste to it.
  5. Cook both for 2-3 minutes. (You can take out this mixture in a bowl and keep it in fridge for later use. )
  6. Otherwise bring milk to boil. Simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Add the prepared paste to the milk stirring continuously until mixed well. 
  8. Add saffron water and mix well. Simmer until milk is reduced to 3/4 amount. Stir intermittently to avoid burning and sticking at the bottom
  9. Add sugar as per taste, cardamom powder and black pepper powder and mix well.
  10. Simmer further for 3-4 more minutes.
  11. Take it off the heat and serve hot in serving glasses, garnish with slivered almonds, pistachios and saffron strands.
  1. Drinking this milk is very useful in cold and for sour throat but there is a bit sedation in this drink due to poppy seeds so drink this milk at bed time for two three days and see the difference in your condition.
  2. The prepared mixture is for 3-4 glasses so you can make the cooked paste and add cardamom powder and black pepper powder and store it in fridge and use as required (proportionately per glass).  
  3. You can also use low fat milk if you prefer. 

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