Friday 5 February 2016



1 cup strawberries
3/4 to 1 cup sugar (as per taste and the natural sweetness of strawberries)
1 lemon


  1. Wash and roughly chop the strawberries.(If you don't like the chunks of strawberry in the crush then you can puree them.)
  2. Take a non-stick pan and put the strawberries in it. Switch on the gas and cook the strawberries.
  3. When the strawberries become soft crush them with the help of a potato masher.
  4. Add sugar and start cooking on medium to high flame stirring continuously till you get the desired consistency, it will take 10-15 minutes.
  5. Add lemon juice and switch off the gas.
  6. Store it in a sterilized glass container when it is completely cool.
  7. You can serve it in a no. of ways like on bread ,cakes ,waffles,tarts,shakes and with ice- cream. 

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