Thursday 27 April 2017


Preparation time: 30 min
cooking time: 10-15 mins 
Serves: 4

Ingredients :
For Tarts
1 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup butter
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp powdered sugar
 3-4 tbsp chilled water

For the filling:

Whipped cream or you can use vanilla ice cream
fresh fruits like grapes, strawberries,mango slices, kiwi,pineapple etc.
mint leaves for garnishing


  1. Combine ingredients listed under tart i.e. flour,sugar and salt in food processor; pulse once or twice. (Whisk together if you haven’t got a food processor)
  2. Add butter and turn on machine, processing about 10 seconds or until the butter and flour are blended and the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
  3. Place mixture into a bowl and sprinkle with 3 tbsp of ice water.
  4. Use a wooden spoon to gradually gather the mixture into a ball; if the mixture seems too dry, add another ½ tbsp ice water and mix until you can gather into a ball with your hands.
  5. Wrap ball of dough in plastic wrap, flatten into a disk and place in freezer for 10 minutes (or 30 minutes in fridge) to ease rolling. At this point you could also refrigerate the dough for a day or two, or freeze it almost indefinitely.
  6. Heat oven 180 C
  7. Unwrap dough, lightly sprinkle its top with flour and roll out onto a lightly floured board or countertop; if the dough is too hard, let it sit for a minute or two (it should give a little when you press your fingers into it). 
  8. Take greased muffin moulds and line in the moulds with rolled pastry dough , prick with fork.
  9. Bake for 10 minutes or until crust is brown.
  10. Let the tarts get cool.
  11. Fill whipped cream or ice cream then arrange fruits of your choice. Garnish with mint leaves and serve cold. 

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