Thursday 17 January 2019


Preparation time:10 minutes
Cooking time : 5 minutes
Serves: 4-6


1 cup non dairy whipping cream or regular cream or coconut cream or coconut milk
1/2 cup dark chocolate
1-2 cups of fruit of your choice like grapes,strawberries raspberries,apple,pear etc. (quntity of fruits depends whether you want more of cream or more of fruits)
sugar to taste (depends how sweet the cream is if it is sweet enough then no need to add sugar)
  1. Bring heavy whipping cream just to boil either in the microwave or on the stove .
  2. Pour it over the bowl of chocolate.
  3. Let the cream sit on the chocolate for a minute.
  4. Stir the ganache until the cream and the chocolate are fully combined.
  5. Add chopped fruits to the ganache and mix well. 
  6. Serve chilled.

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