Saturday 2 February 2019


Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time : 30-40 minutes
Serves: 6

For kulfi
4 cups+ 1/2 cup full cream milk
3 tsp cornflour
3 tbsp milk powder/or 1/2 cup koya or mawa
6 tsp sugar or as per taste
20 almonds
1/2 tsp cardamom (elaichi) powder

Other ingredients
1/2 cup vermiceli
rose syrup
green syrup
yellow syrup
1 tbsp chia seeds

  1. Soak almonds in 1/2 cup water for an hour and peel them.Make a fine paste using a tbsp. of milk.Keep aside.
  2. Boil 4 cups milk in a pan and reduce it to half.
  3. Combine  rest of the milk with rest of the ingredients i.e. milk powder, cornflour, badam paste and sugar and mix it with boiling milk stirring continuously and bring to a boil. Add cardamom powder.
  4. Simmer for 10 minutes or untill the mixture thickens stirring continuously. Cool completely.
  5. Pour into an aluminium container and freeze for 4-5 hours or till firm.
  6.  Boil 2 cups of water in a pan , add a tsp of oil and the vermiceli . Cook for about 4-5 minutes till the vermiceli is almost cooked . Stain out excess water and put it immediately in cold water to stop further cooking. Strain the vermiceli once again and again put it in cold water. Keep it in the fridge soaked in cold water.
  7. Soak chia seeds in 1 cup water for half an hour then keep it in fridge.
  8. Take ready made red , green  and yellow syrups or make some one string consistency sugar syrup, divide in three equal parts, add red , green and yellow colours in each separate part and add rose essence in red syrup,kewra essence in green syrup and almond essence in yellow syrup. Keep aside.
  9. To assemble take some kulfi in a serving glass then add some chia seeds and vermiceli then add red sugar syrup,repeat the layers with rest of the syrups and serve chilled. 

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